Ask The Experts: “Men think straight, women think wide.” How true is this statement?

I would say that men think logically and women think emotionally. Men think step by step, and women think about the whole staircase and what could possibly be up there.
When a man meets a woman he thinks, “Hey she’s hot. I’d like to get to know her”. When a woman meets a man she thinks, “I think I’ve found the one. Let me find a dress, invitations, and what will our children will look like?”
I’m joking here, but let’s just say men and women think differently when it comes to dating, relationships and love.
Kelvin Troy Johnson is a Speaker, Business Coach and Author, and the creator of Love Coach Atlanta, there to help you find the love you want and turn the heat up on the love you have.

Whilst men and women might have differences, it’s not our differences that get in the way of creating a thriving relationship. What does get in the way, however, is a lack of openness to learning with the other person about what they want, and why that is important to them. When our differences are celebrated and learned from, it can bring much harmony and appreciation towards each other, and enhance the whole relationship system.
Victor Granville is ‘The Real Love Strategist’ and a relationship coach. He helps clients to stop choosing the wrong partners, heal at the root, and know how to finally love themselves in order to have the relationship they deserve.