Ask The Experts: Should dating advice be tailored to specific races, or does one rule fit all?
Stephan Labossiere: I do not feel it needs to be tailored to specific races. Though there are differences with how some cultures operate I do see the same types of issues being shared by all. Some may seem to apply more to a certain race, but ultimately there will always be others who can relate to the advice and topic at hand.
Stephan Labossiere is a certified relationship expert, coach and author.
Dear Rob: I would agree that each race should have relationship advice tailored to whichever race they are. As much as a set of people’s behaviour isn’t homogenous, life in the diaspora for a black woman is different to one who is white, so yes, it should be tailored to specific races.
Dear Rob is a hard-hitting public speaker and author, who uses his wit and array of knowledge in social dynamics to address his audience on controversial matters regarding pair bonding.
Chelsea Black: Dating advice should not be race specific. It is based on understanding the needs, values and goals of the individual not on their identity. I would say that to make it racially specific would be to dilute the message which is that everyone needs love but needs to make sure that they’re clear on what is important to them and what they offer. The best dating advice is one which can be applied to anyone. Racially specific advice reduces everyone to a stereotype.
Chelsea Black is a lifestyle coach now focussing on Intimacy, from dating and relationships to sex and orgasms.
So who do you agree with Lurvlees?